FRAMBOR – Žilina craft brewery
With great passion and pride we produce unpasteurized beer FRAMBOR according to based on our own recipe created by our experienced brewmaster on a brand new technological line.
From Moravian malt, crystal-clear water from the unspoiled nature of the Beskydy Mountains and Žatec hops (which is famous for an over-700-year-long tradition of growing Saaz noble hops used by several breweries), with traditional way of double-mashing we have created bitter, golden jewel/gem, which we allow you to offer on the table.
We strictly adhere to all methods of traditional brewing, we do not allow any cost savings at the expense of beer quality. Frambor beer is produced free of surrogates (cheaper maltose replacements), the main fermentation process is carried out under sterile conditions at 7 - 10 ° C, then fermented in lager tanks at a temperature of 1 - 3 ° C for a period of time ranging from two weeks at 10 ° beer to two months at 14 ° beer. The matured beer is stabilized by double filtration, diatomit and microbilogical filters and all nutritional values are preserved there.
Every Frambor beer is brewed to the exact degree, which is not common today, FRAMBOR 10 ° which original wort content is almost 11 ° beer in addition to a slightly higher alcohol content - 4.2% leaves mainly a stronger malt flavor of the unfermented wort, which appears to the consumer as a distinct beer density, supported by a dark gold color typical of higher grades.
Typical of FRAMBOR beer is the taste of hop bitterness, which, however, gradually declines after tasting the beer. In addition to the strong draft beer FRAMBOR 10 °, his brother with the addition of herbal extract with aphrodisiac effects FRAMBOR 10 ° HARDEN, we also produce a distinctive lager FRAMBOR 11 °, another herbal special FRAMBOR 11 ° SILYMARIN, this time with the addition of plant extract Silybum Marianum which has a direct effect on liver regeneration.
We also produce excellent lager FRAMBOR 12 ° EXCELLENT, cheerful honey special FRAMBOR 14 ° HONEY & CANNABIS. For Christmas 2018 we have prepared for the first time an extra bitter special, brewed according to old Bavarian recipes FRAMBOR 13 ° STRONG BITTER. In the summer of 2019 we have introduced two new refreshing drinks. First the semi-dark non-alcoholic beer FRAMBOR ForMAN 0 °, and second absolutely specific on the market which we recommend tasting is light non-alcoholic RADLER GRAPEFRUIT - POMELO 0 °, different from other non-alcoholic radlers. What makes it different from his competition? Difference is the fact that it is really blended from beer. In this case, of course from FRAMBOR.
We put all our strength, knowledge, brewing skills, passion and pride into the production of FRAMBOR beer. Our goal is to brew quality beer, with strong taste, not saving cost on production and quality of the ingredients so we can prevent corporations from spreading mass-production beer which is without soul and character. Drop in the sea, we believe that, with your support, we will preserve beer with good morals for future generations and days to come. And last but not least, we hope you will enjoy FRAMBOR!!!